Sorry for the late post but I have been on holiday and now I'm back in business. In the Catalog there are 2 secrets but 3 items, the Hiking gear and the Silver Surfboard
To get the hiking gear click the Rock Climbing wall.
To get the silver surfboard click the surfboard in the penguins hand and then the Shell, and starfish.
The pin is a flower and is in the lighthouse beacon.
The Fiesta has started and hopefully everyone is pumped and ready to roll. Because the Mini Sombrero is in the cove.My favourite room is the Coffee Shop
Everyone I have been working on a new missions guide and a gang so click the link for the gang and in about 1-10 weeks the mission guide shall be finished. Hope your ready to party because if you join the Bling King's now we shall attack the party tomorrow.
As you all know a new year always means a new Penguin Styles Catalog. So I have found every cheat I could find for the new catalog.
On the first page of buy able clothing click the light blue circle on the far right to get the Spikette.
On the Fiesta page click the vase that is at the bottom to get the fruit headdress.On the first Christmas page click the orange present to get the yellow scarf. On the page that has the Black Toque on it, click the top of the first mountain to get the Russian Hat. On the page with the chill on it click the top of the first tree to get the red viking helmet.Do that three more times to get the blue viking helmet. To get the Pink Pom Pom Toque click on the snowman's hat. On the page next to the coffee apron click the center of the biggest snow flake to get the Red Hoodie.
The new pin is in the Ski Lodge attic, it is a gingerbread man.
Hello I am Micro King 1. I will do what I can to help you in Club Penguin from whats happening to cheats. I will usually be having parties to celebrate things like Christmas.